Die Hauptperson ist eine Katze...Im Prinzip ist das komisch aber:
Harsh drafts of icy wind whistled by in the stale winter air, and faded slants of sunlight barely penetrated the frost-coated ground, the only offerings the pale sun allowed.
A sparkling, nonchalant, crystalline river slowly bubbled along, layering rocks in a towel of silky liquid. The brumal wind howled above the absence of warm, summer air. Leaves of dappled shades and vivid coloring coated the forest floor as leaf-fall strolled along, reluctantly bragging about the chilly, winter frost. it always carried in. Somewhere in the crass brush a feline stirred, one of the feminine species. She yawned and emerged from the packed in den, spindly tail lashing apathetically. She let out an uncalled meow as she arched her vertebrae and broke out into a luxurious stretch."Morning, my favorite time of the day," she mewled with a hesitant smirk. Her luminescent teal urns glowed as she made her presence clear by stepping out from the sable, tarnished shadows. Looking upon the Clan the felis whisked around to face an approaching feline. "What a lovely day it's turning out to be, isn't it ---?" he nodded to her. ---- showed her pearly white teeth as she let her roseate tongue caress her gossamer paw. "Definitely, I wouldn't ask for better." Meet her, determined and proud.
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