

Hello my name is Georgia. Sorry, but I grew up in England. But I can´t speak perfect English. My parents can only danish. Therefore, we only spoke Danish. We are looking for a name for our daughter. I will give birth to my daughter in four weeks. How do you like the name Emily Olvia or Jessica Lucia? If you can danish we can also talk Danish. If my husband at home we can also speak German. My husband is German. I have lived for four years in Germany but my German is very, very, very, very bad. I can try to write German.
Thanks for the comments

Georgia, Michael, and Charlie (4)



Ja in Deutschland.
Meinsk Schester lebt in England. Da leben Meins Eltern auch.

Is nicht so got?


Well, you grew up in England - so you probably went to school there - but you don't speak English perfectly? Aha.
And you lived in England, but your parents just talked to you in Danish? Aha.
Now, you live in Germany, but you still don't know very much German? Aha.
Either you're lying or you're not very intelligent...


You can read German but you can not write in German. Right?


ICh würde
Jessica Emily schön finden. Versuch doch deutsch zu schreiben.

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